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  • May 14, 2020 1 min read

    Hi Everyone,

    We hope you are keeping safe and well in these strange times.

    We came across a lovely article about a medical student who saved his Mom's life by getting her glutathione when she had severe Covid symptoms.

    "A Brooklyn woman desperately ill with the coronavirus is breathing easy this Mother’s Day thanks to a novel treatment her medical-student son helped provide."

    "She was so short of breath she couldn’t speak” said her 23-year-old son, James."

    "James did not hesitate to give his mom the nutritional supplement (glutathione), which they had in the house for Julia. After one 2,000-milligram dose, the family witnessed a miracle."

    "Within an hour my breathing got better. It was amazing. I sat up, I got up,” Josephine Bruzzese recalled. She even started to make her bed. “I went and I took a shower."

    If you remember back to THIS blog post about the benefits of drinking bone broth whilst fasting you will remember that one of the main things bone broth does is to increase glutathione naturally. This is one of the reasons bone broth is believed to be supportive for immune function.

    With everything that is going on we need to do all we can to boost our protection from pathogens, so keep up with your bone broth habit.

    To read the New York Times article in full click here.

    This case study was actually written up as a scientific article, to read more click here.

    Thanks for reading.

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